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Dolce Lauda for Consumer Protection

Dolce Lauda for Consumer Protection

The law firm Dolce Lauda has always been active in consumer protection and has represented the Centro Tutela Consumatori Utenti Alto Adige (South Tyrol Consumer Protection Centre) both in Italy and in Germany on several occasions, as have similar German associations.

On 12.03.2024, Advocate Castelli argued before the United Sections of the Civil Cassation Court in Rome a delicate question raised for our client, who is domiciled in Germany, concerning the lack of Jurisdiction of the Italian judges against consumers in the context of EU Regulation 1215/2012. The Attorney General at the Court of Cassation highlighted the profiles of great nomofilactic relevance and concluded for the acceptance of our recourse and cassation of the judgments on the merits. We will report on the decision of the Supreme court.