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Tolls reimbursement in Germany: First openinig of procedure and entry into force of new tariffs

Transport law

Tolls reimbursement in Germany: First openinig of procedure and entry into force of new tariffs

As of 1 October 2021, the new tariffs for calculating tolls in Germany come into force. In addition, following the judgment of the Court of Justice in case C- 321/19 (see our previous article) the German state has taken a step forward, now recognising the possibility of requesting a refund of part of the toll paid at least for the period from 28.10.2020 to 30.09.2021. The question of whether a reimbursement is also possible for the three years preceding the publication of the judgment is still open.

If you are interested in applying for reimbursement, we can assist you in checking and processing your application with the relevant administration. For further details, please contact: RA Dr. Stefan Dangel e Avv RA Marilena Bacci.